Seb Dance

Seb Dance has nearly 20 years’ experience in elected office, European policy-making, campaigning and advocacy. Seb served as a Labour MEP for London from 2014. He was Deputy Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party and was Vice-Chair of the Environment, Food and Public Health Committee of the European Parliament (ENVI). He was his political group’s media spokesperson on climate change and air quality. He also served on the Industry, Research & Energy Committee (ITRE), the Development Committee and the Agriculture Committee.
Before being elected to the European Parliament, Seb worked for the development charity ActionAid UK, campaigning for structural changes to alleviate poverty. Prior to this, he worked as a Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland in the last Labour Government. He is a passionate internationalist and pro-European.
John Howarth

John Howarth represented South East England as MEP until 2020. In his two terms he became a specialist on the financing of the EU’s programmes, having served on the Committee for Budgets (BUDG) during the development of the 2021-27 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and worked on the associated legislation for science, research, education, culture and the European space programme. He was Parliament Rapporteur for the 2019 EU Budget. John also served on: the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) engaging on ideas around the digital single market and the Regional Development Committee (REGI) where he took part in developing legislative and own initiative reports on Trans-European Networks (TENs) and the role of transport in cohesion policy.
John had a 25 year career as an entrepreneur, partner and senior business manager. He worked with companies in IT, software, health technology, power distribution, design, advertising, business communications and public affairs. John served on county, unitary and regional authorities where he was a leading voice in transport, infrastructure and urban planning policy.